Monday, 16 September 2013 first bangladeshi dhallywood based cine web portal. Created by Minhazur Rahman Nayan & his web developer friend Sumon Molla Selim. launching by jointly & Swadhinata Home Box a bangladeshi IT company & film production company. Ahobantech was created by Sumon Molla Selim & Swadhinata Home Box created by Montazur Rahman Akbar (father of Minhazur Rahman Nayan).


Dhallywood film industry was in crisis after the death of Superstar actor Manna in 2003. His sudden death was like a death blow to the industry. Producers and directors who were totally depended on his stardom were just hopeless. Number of films took a nosedive from 120 films each year to 20. Another star Shakib khan was dominating the industry. But his movies were very high budgets films, which fail to make profit in the Box Office. So production houses stop producing movies. As a result a large number of artists and technicians were job less. Soon afterward they retired or changed their line of work. The whole industry was at the brink of shut down. In this situation JAAZ Multimedia came forward with the idea of digital film making and projection system. Their first release was Bhalobashar Rong. This again injected life in mainstream film making. Crystal clear sound light and the introduction of RED camera in film making changed the industry overnight.  Dhallywood started to roar again. Inspired from digital innovation Minhazur Rahman Nayan, planned this website based on Dhallywood. He shared his idea with his friend Sumon Molla Selim and took  suggestions from Script writer Abdullah Zahir Babu & his father Montazur Rahman Akbar, a renowned Film Director and Producer. The title was suggested by Abdullah Zahir Babu. In June 2013  they took a domain, develop by IT developer Sumon Molla Selim with his IT company Ahobantech. Minhazur Rahman Nayan with his father's Film producing company Swadhinata Home Box developed and financed the website. In July 2013 they together launched the first cine web portal in Bangladesh.